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The Evolving Landscape of Brand Loyalty

When they use advertising for societal good, they also give people a voice and something to connect with.

In the 18th century, copper tokens were a way to go about loyalty. In the late 19th century, it was Green Shield stamps. Further along, we had Box Tops on product packages. Today, it is an infinite and evolutive range of creative and engaging ideas that connect with consumers at a much deeper level.

Adopting earlier programs was considerably simpler than it is today; the main focus was moving customers along the journey and incentivizing repurchase. Clearly, this has changed. Now, the scope includes generating brand advocates and ambassadors. People who freely and willingly endorse the brand.

As Lindstrom (2008) said, brand loyalty has evolved to make consumers “[…] feel a sense of belonging among other users of that brand– it’s like being a member of a not-so-exclusive club. This sense of belonging is a profound influence on our behavior.”

Brands are creating communities and uniting people. When they use advertising for societal good, they also give people a voice and something to connect with.

Studies affirm that “brand lovers do not necessarily identify with the whole brand” (Aro, Suomi, Gyrd-Jones, 2023). That is an interesting point since it calls brands to identify and understand sub-groups of brand lovers and create loyalty programs that reinforce the aspects that attract each group.

Besides, our favorite brands have such solid products that they leave us with no choice but to prefer them repeatedly. Add some layers to this, like purpose, familiarity, brand equity, and innovation, and you have a winning brand. A brand that consumers will miss if it seizes existing. These layers are where a brands’ mission, vision, and values can come in, as well as its ability to create comfort and stability through familiar products. And, of course, relevance through AI-enabled personalization, big data, and automation.

How we interact with a brand will evolve through our lives, and we will expect that brand to evolve with us. To grow while maintaining its essence intact. As these interactions change, so will our purchase decisions and bond with the brand.

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