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National Guacamole Day 2024: Why is it celebrated on September 16th?

The National Guacamole Day coincides with Mexico's Independence Day on September 16th

National Guacamole Day, celebrated annually on September 16th, is a testament to the cultural and culinary significance of this beloved avocado-based dip. While the exact origins of the day remain unclear, its celebration coincides with Mexico’s Independence Day on September 16th, highlighting guacamole’s deep roots in Mexican cuisine and its role as a symbol of national pride.

The Aztec Connection

Guacamole’s history traces back to the Aztecs, who called it “ahuacamolli,” a combination of “ahuacatl” (avocado) and “molli” (sauce). The Aztecs revered avocados for their nutritional value and creamy texture, often incorporating them into their diet. The original guacamole recipe was simple, consisting of mashed avocados, tomatoes, chili peppers, and salt.

Guacamole’s Global Appeal

Today, guacamole has transcended its Mexican origins to become a global culinary phenomenon. Its versatility, health benefits, and delicious taste have made it a staple in households and restaurants worldwide. From classic dips to innovative toppings and fillings, guacamole continues to evolve and inspire culinary creativity.

Statistics and facts about National Guacamole Day

  • Global Market Value: The global avocado market was valued at over $9 billion in 2021, and is forecasted to reach nearly $20 billion by 2026
  • Major Producer: Mexico remains the top avocado producer globally, with a harvested volume of 2.5 million metric tons in 2022​
  • Avocado Area in Mexico: In 2023, the area harvested for avocado in Mexico reached 253.31 thousand hectares, representing a 7% increase from 2022​
  • Avocado Production in Mexico: Mexico’s avocado production volume reached 2.97 million metric tons in 2023, a 17% increase compared to the previous year​
  • Export Leader: Mexico led global avocado exports in 2022, with an export value of $3.5 billion​
  • Mexico’s Export Growth: Mexican avocado exports have grown significantly, reaching $2.84 billion in 2023, with production consistently surpassing 2 million metric tons annually since 2012​
  • U.S. Avocado Imports: The United States is the largest importer of avocados, importing $3.38 billion worth of avocados in 2022, with most sourced from Mexico​
  • Consumption Growth: U.S. per capita avocado consumption grew from 2 pounds in 2001 to over 9 pounds in 2022, driven largely by imports from Mexico​
  • Processed Avocados: The global avocado processing market is projected to grow from $2.4 billion in 2023 to $4.4 billion by 2032, with Mexico being a major contributor​
  • Market Share: In 2023, Mexico held 60% of the global avocado market share, dominating over other producers like Peru and Chile​
  • U.S. Retail Sales: Retail sales of avocados in the United States reached $2.7 billion in 2022, with Mexico supplying the majority of these avocados​
  • Mexico’s Avocado Trade: Fresh avocado production and exports in Mexico continue to grow, supported by increasing demand in international markets​
  • Main Export Destinations: The largest markets for Mexican avocados are the United States, the Netherlands, and Spain, with the U.S. being the biggest buyer​
  • European Consumption: While Mexico exports primarily to the U.S., European countries like France and Spain have seen increasing avocado consumption, further benefiting Mexican producers


Source: Statista

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